Hyde's Announcement (Friday, March 18, 2011)

To:  All Kodak Customers

From:  Hyde's Distribution

Subject:  Kodak Products

Dear Customer

Hyde's Distribution will become the sole supplier of KODAK photographic paper, chemicals and Picture Maker kiosk products to selected channels throughout Canada.  Until such time, please continue to purchase from your current Kodak authorized supplier.

Within the next few days, a Hyde's representative will contact you to discuss your product needs and assist you in opening your Hyde's account.  For your convenience, a credit application is attached.

To view the Kodak products available from Hyde's, please go to www.hydes-kodak.com/. Although you may not see a product that you are currently purchasing, please note that all Kodak products are available to you.

In the meantime, should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by phone at 1-888-445-9097 Ext 245 or at the email address above.  To locate a Hyde's representative in your area, please visit our website at www.hydes-kodak.com/

Thank you,

Gary Hyde

Gary Hyde
Hyde's Distribution



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